Thursday, 2 February 2012

Uniformity Post 1949

When the Communist party came to power in China in 1949 there was a radical shift in the nature of fashion and clothing from the previous class driven and foreign influenced styles.
Mao Tse-tung, the party head and supreme leader, recognized the power of dress to create shared identity and the style of clothing he and the communist party members favoured became the dominant style from the 1950s through to the late 1970’s. This utilitarian and standardized style not only rejected differences in rank, class and gender but symbolised revolution and a new China with its own identity. This iconic style is now recognised as a national costume of China and became known globally as the Mao suit. In reality this suit was designed in 1912 by Sun Zhongsan (Sun Yat-sen), the first President of the Chinese Republic as a response to the end of the Qing dynasty and the traditional garments that were inappropriate for modern citizens of a new nation. The suit was based on a combination of styles including Japanese Cadets and Western tailoring and is still known today, in Mainland China, as The Zhongsan Zhuang (Zhongsan suit).


Versions of the suit became popular across China during the early years of the Republic, representing modernism, national identity and revolutionary ideals. Mao Tse-tung probably adopted this style as a young man during the 1920’s along with other early Communist Party members. Ultimately the Party would embrace the style and modify it until by 1949 it became representative of the newly formed Peoples Republic of China
 The garments that represent this post 1949 period in the exhibition show a consistent approach to this notion of shared identity yet also reflect the individual stories of the owners. The red lapel pieces attached to the male military jacket uniform have on the reverse side the soldiers name, and blood group and dates from the 1960’s. The female military uniform belongs to Yang Hua and was issued to her upon joining the army in 1970. She attended the military dance school, which focused on ballet with Chinese folk traditions and after five years training went on to become the Chinese National Dance champion.


Although there was uniformity and anonymity throughout this period there were slight differences within the garments and the way that they were worn.
The blue cotton jacket on display was considered more stylish than many since it was produced in a factory, in Shanghai, around 1970. In most cities, the majority of these jackets would have been made by local tailors or by the people themselves and therefore did not have a factory finish, which represented new manufacturing technology and were consequently sought after. Some versions of this common jacket had slightly better weights of fabric, which may have included wool or linen, and these would have symbolised a higher position within the society.
Women’s shirts of the period could be in a variety of colours and prints and young women would wear the shirt collars over the outside of the jacket collar to hint at individual identity. Ultimately people would own a limited amount of garments, most would be worn daily, washed only once a week and would be expected to last 5 or 6 years.


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